Saturday, June 11, 2016

DRUIDS AND DRUIDISM, a list of references (1920)


Added comments by me:
*IA Internet Archive has it >
*GB Google Books has it. >
*GG Global Grey has it  >
*PG Project Gutenberg has it >
** I have a copy.

A resourse of links to very large Book Wells on-line > will take some time for me to check this whole list out.

Compiled By George F. Black, Ph.d.


Compiled By George F. Black, Ph.d.
The following list of works relating to Druids and Druidism comprises not only what is in The New York Public Library, but also titles gathered from other trustworthy sources. The aim has been to make a fairly complete list of works on the subject, and it is believed that few titles of any importance have been overlooked. The works which are in The New York Public Library have the class-mark added at the end of the title — all others are to be understood as being not at present in the Library collection. References to works on "Stone circles," etc., erroneously called "Druid circles" by unscientific writers, are omitted. These stone circles are of a much earlier date than the Druids.

Albrespy, André. De quelques théories récentes sur le druidisme. (Revue contemporaine. Paris, 1867. 8°. série 2, v. 57, p. 119-140; v. 59, p. 247-269.) * DM
Based on Martin*s Histoire de France, v. 1, and Reynaud's Ciel et terre.

Alger, William Rounseville. Druidic doctrine of a future life. (In his: A critical history of the doctrine of a future life... Philadelphia, 1864. 8°. p. 83-87.) ZAZB

**IA pdf eb
The Ancient Britons. A tale of primeval life. London: Chapman & Hall, 1851. vii, 322 p., 1 map. 16°. NCW
Druids are mentioned throughout the tale.

Aneurin Vardd, pseud. Bardism. (International review. New York, 1876. 8°. v. 3, p. 161-183.) * DA
The object of this article is "to dispel the prevailing prejudices concerning the Druids of Britain, and to cast new light upon Bardism."

Anwyl, Sir Edward. The Celtic priesthood. (In his: Celtic religion in pre-Christian times. London, 1906. 12°. p. 44-56.)

Arbois de Jubainville, Marie Henri d'. Les Druides en Gaule sous l'empire romain. (Revue archéologique. Paris, 1879. 8°. nouv. série, v. 38, p. 374-379.) MTA

Les Druides et les dieux celtiques
à forme d'animaux. Paris: H. Champion, 1906. viii, 203 p. 12°. ZAS

Reviewed in Zeitschrift fur celtische Philologie, v. 6, p. 250, Halle a. S., 1907.

Le druidisme irlandais. (Revue archéologique. Paris, 1877. 8°. nouv. série, v. 34, p. 217-224.) MTA

Origine de la juridiction des Druides
et des Filé... (Revue archéologique. Paris, 1884. 8°. série 3, v. 3, p. 171-184.) MTA

Backer, Louis de. De la religion du nord de la France avant le christianisme. Lille: E. Vanackere, 1854. xv, 353 p. 8°.
Barddas; or, A collection of original documents illustrative of the theology, wisdom, and usages of the Bardo-Druidic system of the isle of Britain; with translations and notes, by J. Williams ab Ithel. Llandovery and London, 1862-74. 2 v. 8°.
v. 1, btxxv, 425 p.; v. 2, 168 p. ZAS
The second volume is unfinished.
Barghon de Fort-Rion, François de. Le druidisme au moyen âge (époque tertiaire). Paris: Librairie générale, 1874. 56p. 16°.
Barth, Christian Carl. Ueber die Druiden der Kelten, und die Priester der alten Teutschen... Erlangen: J. J. Palm und E. Enke, 1826. iv, 232 p. 8°. ZAS
p. 4-7 contain a list of all the Greek and Roman references to the Druids.
Einleitung und Quellenverzeichnis. 1. Von den Namen der Druiden. 2. Von der innern Einrichtung des Druidenthums. 3. Von der wissenschaftlichen Bildung und den Kenntnissen der Druiden. 4. Von der Druidenreligion. 5. Von dem druidischen Gottesdienst. 6. Von dem politischen Einfluss der Druiden. 7. Von den Druidinnen. 8, Von dem Untergang der Druiden. 9. Von dem L^rsprung des Druidenthums. 10. Von der Teutschen Priesten. 11. Von den weisen Frauen der Teutschen.
Baudeau, Nicolas. Mémoire à consulter pour les anciens Druides gaulois, contre M. Bailly... [Paris,] 1777. 84p. 8°.
Beauford, William. Druidism revived: or, A dissertation on the characters and modes of writing used by the Irish in their pagan state and after their conversion to Christianity. (In: Charles Vallancey, Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis. Dublin, 1781. 8°. v. 2, p. 157-217.) CS
Of the origin and language of the
Irish, and of the learning of the Druids. (In: Charles Vallancev, Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis. Dublin, 1781. 8°. v. 2, p. 218-249.) CS

[ocr errors][merged small]
Beaumont, George Duckett Barber. Suggestions on the ancient Britons. London: J. R. Smith, 1853-54. 3 parts. 8°. CD
Deals with the Druids.
Belloguet, Dominique François Louis Roget, baron de. Ethnogénie gauloise. Preuves intellectuelles, le génie gaulois... Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie., 1868. 3 p.L, xiv. 546 p. 8°. QPN
Institutions et croyances religieuses des Gaulois: le druidisme, ses dogmes, ses dieux et ses rites, p. 102295. Suite des institutions religieuses des Gaulois: les druides, leur fonctions religieuses et civiles, leur hiérarchie et leur enseignement, p. 296-369.
Bertrand, Alexandre. Nos origines: m. La religion des Gaulois, les Druides et le druidisme: leçons professées â l'ficole du Louvre, 1896. Paris: E. Leroux, 1897. ix, 436 p., 31 pl. 4°. ZAS
1. Leçon d'ouverture. 2. Les sources, la méthode. 3. Le groupe mégalithique. 4. Le culte des pierres. 5. Superstitions relatives aux pierres précieuses, pierres à bassins, pierres trouées. 6. Les sacrifices humains. 7. Superstitions et croyances des populations du nord de l'Europe et de l'Asie en rapport avec les superstitions et croyances des Gaulois. 8. Les influences aryennes. 9. Le feu de la Saint-Jean. 10. Les herbes de la Saint-Jean. 11-13. Le swastika ou croix gammée. 14. Autres signes solaires. 15. Le culte des eaux. 16. Résumé de la première partie.
17. Les symboles religieux sur les monnaies gauloises.
18. Les "oppida" du type d'Avaricum. 19. Les Druides. 20. L'Irlande druidique. 21. Les lamaseries. 22. La religion après les invasions galatiques et la conquête romaine. 23. Les triades et les divinités à symboles. 24. Le chaudron de Gundestrup. 25. Conclusions. Annexes: A. Observations sur la religion des Gaulois et sur celle des Germains, par Freret. B. Le chamanisme. C. Les cupules D Les superstitions. E. Les feux de la Saint-Jean F. Opinions de J.-B. de Rossi sur la signification de la croix gammée dans les catacombes. G. Extrait du memoire de M.Deloche sur Le jour civil et les modes de computation des délais légaux en Gaule. H. De la propagation et de l'altération des langues indoeuropeennes en Occident. I. Les abbayes chrétiennes d Irlande et d Ecosse héritières des communautés druidiques.
Bibliothecar. Chetham. Druidism. (Notes and queries. London, 1866. 8°. series 3, v. 9, p. 103-104.) * R - * DA
A collection of quotations from early writers on the etymology of the name Druid.
Blanc, Antoine. Les Druides, tragédie ... à S. Pétersbourg [Paris,, 1783. 8°. In five acts and in verse.
Bloch, G. La religion des Gaulois. (Revue internationale de l'enseignement. Paris, 1895. 8°. v. 30, p. 145-161.) SSA
Les Druides, leur rôle, leurs pratiques, leur doctrine.
Boitel, Alexandre Clément. Les Gaulois, les Druides et les sibylles dans la Champagne. (Mémoires lus à la Sorbonne: Histoire, philologie et sciences morales. Paris, 1865. 8°. 1864, p. 123-133.) * EN
Boniface, Joseph Xavier. See under Saintine, Joseph Xavier Boniface.
Bonwick, James. Irish Druids and old Irish religions. London: Griffith, Farran &Co., 1894. viii, 328 p. 12°. ZAS
A slovenly book of no value.
Borlase, William. Antiquities, historical and monumental, of the county of Cornwall. Consisting of several essays on the first inhabitants, druid-superstition, customs, and remains of the most remote antiquity in Britain, and the British Isles... London: Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, for S. Baker and G. Leigh, 1769. f°. ttQPM
p. 53-157 treat "Of the British religion." This author has collected here ail the classical references to the Druids.
Bouché, Jean Baptiste. Les Druides. Paris: Martinon, 1844. 289p. 8°.
Reviewcd in L'Illustration, v. 3, p. 398, Paris, 1844.
Druides et Celtes, ou histoire de
l'origine des sociétés et des sciences. Paris: V. Lecou, 1848. 295 p. 18°.
Bouchier, Gilles. Veterum Belgarum Gallorumûe sacerdotes & sacrificuli. Drvidœ prasertim. (In his: Belgivm Romanvm ecclesiasticvm et civile... Leodii. 1655. f°. p. 156-162.) t GAK
Rcprinted in J. G. Frick, Commcntatio de druidis.
Bourke, John Gregory. An inquiry into the Druidical use of the mistletoe. (In his: Scatalogic rites of ail nations... Washington, 1891. 8°. p. 99-111.) Reserve
Bowles, William Lisle. Hermès Britannicus. A dissertation on the Celtic deity Teutates, the Mercurius of Caesar, in further proof and corroboration of the origin and designation of the great temple at Abury, in Wiltshire. London: J. B. Nichols & Son. 1828. 149 p. 8°. ZAS
Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius van. Originum Gallicarum liber: accedit antiquae linguae Britannica? lexicon Britannico-Latinum, cum adjectis et insertis adagiis Britannicis sapientiae veterum Druidum reliquiis. Amsterdam, 1654. 4°.
Bring. Sven, prœses. Dissertatio gradualis de Gallorum Ddruidis [sic] cum Gothorum drottis collatis, quam suffragante ampliss. fac. philosophica, in Academia Carolina... Publicae bonorum censurae subjicit alumnus regius Nicolaus Smedberg...Dec, 1758. Londini Gothorum: C. G. Berling [1758,. 27 p. 12°. ZAD p.v.9
Broome, J. H. Astronomy of and druidical worship at Stonehenge. (Astronomical register. London, 1870. v. 8.)
Brown, Thomas. A short dissertation about the Mona in Caesar and Tacitus, the several names of Man, whether it was the seat of the ancient Druids, &c. Together with a short account of the institution, discipline, and opinions of the Druids. (In: William Sacheverell, An account of the Isle of Man... London: J. Hartley, 1702. 8°. p. 145-175.)
London, 1707. 8°.
——- ■ (In: William Sacheverell, An
account of the Isle of Man... Douglas, Isle of Man, 1859. 8°.)
Buchanan, John Lanne. A defence of the Scots Highlanders in general.. .with a new and satisfactory account of the Picts, Scots, Fingal, Ossian and his poems... London, 1794. vi, 286 p. 8°.
Buffalo Public Library. (List of] works relating to the Druids. [Buffalo, N. Y., 1898?] 21. 12°.
Bulaeus, Caesar Egassius. See under Du Boulay, César Égasse.
Burke, Edmund. [The Druids.] (In his: Works, new ed. London: F. C. & J. Rivington, 1812. 8°. v. 10, p. 186-202.) NCF
This account forms the hulk of chap. ir.: "Some account of the ancient inhabitants of Britain."
The Druids. (In: Favorite authors:
a companion-book of prose and poetry. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1881. 12°. p. 109-122.) NCE
Burton, John Hill. Druids and bards. (Edinburgh review. London, 1863. 8°. v. 118, p. 40-70.) *DA
Based on Higgins, Pratt, and the Brut y Tyivysogion edited by Rev. John Williams.
Heathendom. (In his: The history
of Scotland from Agricola's invasion to the revolution of 1688. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 1, chap. 6, p. 217-246.) CP
Druidism forms the subject of this chapter.
Butt, afterwards Sherwood, Mary Martha. The Druids of Britain. London [1840?]. 12°.
C, A. Traditions occidentales celtiques. Religions des peuples celtiques de l'occident comparées avec celles de l'Orient. (Annales de philosophie chrétienne. Paris, 1840. 8°. série 3, v. 1, p. 338-369.) YAA
For an English translation of part of this article see under Celtic traditions.
Caesar, Caius Julius. Commentarii de bello Gallico. BWG
Lib. vi, capp. 13-20 deal with the Druids.
Callegari, Guido Valerio. II druidismo nell' antica Gallia... Padova: Fratelli Drucker, 1904. 2 p.L, (1)8-113 p., 11. 8°.
ZAD p.v.9
Prefazione. I. Il sacerdozio druidico; i druidi, i bardi, gli ovati, le druidesse. it. Insegnamenti, ufHci, influenza de' druidi. III. La dottrina; la sopravivenza dell' animat la morale, Dispater. IV. Culto e cerimonie; la querela e il vischio, 1 uovo de' serpenti, i sacrifici umani, i funerali. v. Scienze, arti, lettere de' druidi; l'astronomia, la magia, la medicina, le arti e le lettere, la poesia,t 1'arte della scrittura. vi. La decadenza; il neodruidismo.
Cambry, Jacques. Monumens celtiques, ou recherches sur le culte des pierres, précédées d'une notice sur les Celtes et sur les Druides, et suivies d'étymologies celtiques. Paris: Mme. Johanneau, 1805. xl, 431p. pl. 8°.
Des Druides, p. 50-75.
Campbell, Donald. Iona; no I Choluim Chille. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1876. 8°. v. 1, p. 258-266.) * DA
In Gaelic. Deals mainly with the Druids.
Campbell, Thomas. Philosophical survey of the south of Ireland in a series of letters to John Watkinson, M.d. Dublin, 1778. 8°. CSW
On the authorship of this work see Notes and queries, series 2, v. 7, p. 305. p. 223-236 are on Druidism.
Carrington, Noel Thomas. The Druids. (In: The amulet; or, Literary and Christian remembrancer. London, 1828. 16°. 1828, p. 74-77.) NCA
In verse.
Celtic Druids. (The southern review.
Charleston, 1829. 8°. v. 3, p. 207-225; v. 4.
p. 1-46.) * DA
The first article is "a short preliminary dissertation" by the reviewer, "founded on our own researches." The second article is devoted to a review of Higgins, The Celtic Druids, p. 37-45 of the second article deal with the monologue in the Pœnulus of Plautus (act v, sc. 1).
Celtic traditions of western Europe, no. 2. Ancient religion of Ireland. Druidism. Cabirism. (The religious cabinet. Baltimore, 1842. 8°. v. 1, p. 119-123.) ZLF
Translated from Annales de philosophie chrétienne.
Chiniac de la Bastide du Claux, Mathieu de. Discours sur la nature et les dogmes de la religion gauloise, servant de préliminaire à l'histoire de l'église Gallicane. Paris: Butard, 1769. xxxix(i) p., 1 1., 131 p. 12°. ZAS
See also under Pelloutier, Simon.
Mémoire sur la nature et les dogmes
de la religion gauloise. (In: C. Leber, Collection des meilleurs dissertations, notices ...relatifs à l'histoire de France. Paris, 1838. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-104.) DBA
Christian, P. See under Pitois, Christian.
Clavel, F. T. Bègue. Druidisme. (In his: Histoire pittoresque des religions, doctrines, cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde anciens et modernes. Paris, 1845. 4°. v. 2, p. 145-168.)
Clerk, Duncan. The Druids and bards. (Lorn Ossianic Society. Transactions. 1872-73, p. 10-16.)
Decline and fall of the Druids.
(Lorn Ossianic Society. Transactions. 1872-73, p. 17-24.)
Continuation of bis "The Druids and bards."
Clive, Arthur. Druidism. (Dublin University magazine. Dublin, 187S. 8°. v. 86, p. 513-532.) * DA
Cochin. Notice sur quelques antiquités et usages druidiques de la ville de Dreux et de ses environs. (Académie celtique. Mémoires. Paris, 1809. 8°. v.4, p. 453464.) DA
A Complete history of the Druids; their origin; manners, customs, powers, temples, rites, and superstitions: with an inquiry into their religion and its coincidence with the patriarchal. Lichfield: By and for T. G. Lomax, 1810. 2 pi. 8°.
Constant, Stanislas C. La druidesse, Winona, et autres poésies. New York: William R. Jenkins, 1896. iii, 214 p., 11. 12°.
"La druidesse" occupies p. 1-55, and notes, p. 205214.
Cooke, William. An enquiry into the patriarchal and druidical religion, temples, &c. Being the substance of some letters to Sir H. Jacob... London, 1754. xiv, 71 p. pi. 4°.
Reviewed in the Gentleman's magasine, v. 24, p. 246, London, 1754. Largely an abridgment of Stukcley.
London, 1755. 2. ed. 4°.
Corner, Julia. Caldas, a story of Stonehenge. London, 1863. 16°.
Tale of a young druid priest who sided with the Romans.
Craik, George Lillie, and Charles Mac Farlane. Druidism. (In their: Pictorial history of England. London, 1849. 4°. v. 1, p. 59-72.) CB
Creuzer, Georg Friedrich. Druiden, Barden und Vaten. (In his: Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Volker. Fortgesetzt von Dr. Franz Joseph Mone. Leipzig, 1823. 8°. v. 6, p. 386-398.) ZAC
Cromwell, Thomas Kitson. The Druid; a tragedy, in five acts. With notes on the antiquities and early history of Ireland. London, 1832. 8°.
The author was a lineal descendant of the great Protector. The notes are elaborate and full of curious illustrations of the early history of Ireland.
D*** (R. P.). See Martin, Jacques.
Davenport, R. A. The dying Druid. See under Le Hardy, Esther.
David de Saint Georges, Jean Joseph Alexis. Histoire des Druides, et particulièrement de ceux de Calédonie, d'après M. Smith, suivie de recherches sur les antiquités celtiques et romaines des arrondissements de Poligny et de Saint-Claude ... Arbois: A. Javel, 1845. 3 parts in 1 v. 8°.
Davidson, Peter. The mistletoe and its philosophy: shewing its history, the origin
of its mystical and religious rites... Loudsville, Ga.: The author, 1892. x, 55 p., 1 pi. 8°. *Cp.v.593
Loudsville, Ga.: The author,
1898. xii, 84 p., 1 port. 2. ed. 8°.
Davies, Edward. Celtic researches on the origin, traditions, and language of the ancient Britons. London: J. Booth, 1804. 8°. QPM
Contains many notices of Druidism. Reviewed in Edinburgh review, v. 4, p. 386-399, * DA.
—— The mythology and rites of the British Druids, ascertained by national documents; and compared with the general traditions and customs of heathenism, as illustrated by the most eminent antiquaries of our age... London: Printed for J. Booth, 1809. 2 p.l., (i)vi-xvi, 642, 6 p. 8°.
Dean, Amos. Celtic religion. (In his: The history of civilization. Albany, N. Y., 1869. 8°. v. 5, p. 2-28.) BAP
De Kay, Charles. Fairies and Druids of Ireland. (Century magazine. New York, 1889. 8°. v. 37 (new series, v. 15j, p. 590599.) * DA
Deloche, Maximin. Le druidisme. — L'armée gauloise à la bataille d'Alesia. (Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1877. 8°. période 3, v. 24, p. 465-472.) * DM
A letter to M. Albert Réville. Réville's reply follows on p. 472-477.
A Description of Stonehenge, Abiry, &c. in Wiltshire. With an account of the learning and discipline of the Druids. To which is added, An account of antiquities on Salisbury plain... Salisburv: B. C. Collins [1788]. 3 p.l., 86 p., 2 plans, 4 pi. 16°.
Des Moulins, Jacob. Antiqua restaurata. A concise account of the ancient Druids... London: For the author, 1794. viii, 58 p. 8°.
Dickinson, Edmund. Diatriba de Nos in Italian! adventu; ejusque nominibus ethnicis: nec non de origine Druidum. Oxford, 1655. 8°.
See under Jacob, Henry.
Diefenbach, Lorenz. Druides. (In his: Origines Europaeae. Die alten Volker Europeas... Frankfurt am Main, 1861. 8°. p. 312-321.) BTF
Dom * * * (R. P.). Sec Martin, Jacques.
Dottin, Georges. Les Druides et le druidisme. (In his: La religion des Celtes. Paris: Bloud & Cie., 1904. 12°. p. 38-56.)
■ La religion des Gaulois à propos
du récent ouvrage de M. Alexandre Bertrand. (Revue de l'histoire des religions. Paris, 1898. 8°. v. 38, p. 136-152.) ZAA
The Druid and the maiden. (Oxford and Cambridge magazine. London, 1856. 8°. v. 1, p. 676-697.) * DA
Legend of Gavr Inis.
The Druid; or, The vision of Fingal. A choral masque. As performed at the King's theatre, Hay-market, on Thursday, May 25, 1815, for the benefit of the Caledonian Asylum. London: Printed by B. McMillan, 1815. 17 p. 8°. NCOp.v.179
Druide. (Grand dictionnaire universel ...par Pierre Larousse. Paris, n. d. 4°. v. 6, p. 1301-1302.) *R-*AP
Druiden. (J. H. Zedler, Grosses vollstàndiges universal Lexicon. Halle und Leipzig, 1734. f°. v. 17, cols. 1485-1487.)
t* AM
Druides. (Dictionnaire historique des cultes religieux établis dans le monde, nouv. éd. Versailles, 1820. 8°. v. 2, p. 122128.) ZAB
The Druidess: a tale of the fourth century. Translated from the German. London [1846]. 8°.
La Druidessa. ('Iovio; dvdoXoYia. Corfu, 1834. 8°. p. 658-664.) * DT
Druidical relics. (Chambers' Edinburgh
journal. London, 1835. f°. v. 3, p. 119
120.) * DA
Druidical temple, near Keswick, in Cumberland. (The family magazine. New York, 1835-36. 4°. v. 3, p. 135-137.) * DA
Mainly on Druidism with illustration of "Druidical remains, near Keswick, in Cumberland" (a stone circle).
Druidism. An account of the Druidism of early times, mentioned by Julius Caesar, and other classical authors; also of the Druidism, or bardism, of the middle ages, spoken of in the Triads, and by the Welsh bards, with a description of the difference that really existed between the two forms. (Cambrian journal. Tenby, 1860-61. 8°. 1860, p. 265-279, 317-337; 1861, p. 61-69,139144, 172-189, 263-294.) CV
(1) Patriarchal times; (2) The Gwyddoniaid; (3) Bardic reform under Prydain; (4) From Prydain to Dyvnwal Moelmud; (5) Dyvnwal Moelmud* (6) From Dyvnwal Moelmud to the Christian era; (7) The Christian epoch; (8) The Roman period; (9) From the sixth to the seventeenth century; (10) Doctrine. — God; (11) Doctrine. — The creation; (12) Doctrine — The fall — the angels — the restoration of man; (13) Doctrine. — The circles; (14) Doctrine. — The devil — death — the soul; (15) Doctrine. — Sacrifice.
The Druids. (Chambers' Edinburgh journal. London, 1841. f°. v. 9, p. 30-31.)
Druids, Druides, or Drutdae. (Abraham Rees, The cyclopaedia: or, Universal dictionary of arts... Philadelphia, n. d. 4°. v. 12.) * AL
A lengthy article.
The Druids and their religion. (Dublin University magazine. Dublin, 1870. 8°. v. 76, p. 38-44.) * DA
The Druids and Druidical remains. (Hogg's Weekly instructor. Edinburgh, 1849. 4°. new series, v. 3, p. 366-368.) * DA
Du Boulay, César Égasse. De vetvstissimis Galliarvm academiis. (In his: His-, toria universitatis Parisiensis ipsivs fvndationem... Parisiis: Apud Franciscvm Noel, 1665. f°. v. 1, p. 1-15.) ft STN
De academiis et doctrina Druidarum, p. 5-9; De religione et sacrifions Druidarum, p. 10-14; De leg islatione, et privilegiis Druidarum, p. 15.
Reprinted in J. G. Frick, Commentatio de druidis »
Duclos, Charles Pineau. Mémoire sur les Druides. (Académie royale des inscriptions et belles lettres. Mémoires. Paris, 1753. 4°. v. 19, p. 483-494.) * EO
(In his: Oeuvres complètes.
nouv. éd. Paris, 1821. 8°. v. 8, p. 259-276.)
Duke, Edward. The Druidical temples of the county of Wilts. London: J. Russell Smith, 1846. viii, 203 p., 1 map, 2 plans. 12°. ZAS
Chapter 3, p. 16-29: "Origin and extent of Druidism." The author considers Stonehenge as forming a planetarium in connection with Abury, etc.
Reviewed by William Maskell in the Christian remembrancer, v. 12, p. 467-478, London, 1846. "It is a disagreeable office, therefore, at once and without needless preliminating, to say, that it has seldom been our unhappy fate to wade through a book, in the pages of which we could find less instruction of any kind, or a larger number of the most puerile absurdities."
Dunn, Joseph. Druidism. (Catholic encyclopaedia. New York, 1909. 4°. v. 5, p. 162-164.) *R-ZLH
Duruy, Victor. Comment périt l'institut druidique. (Revue archéologique. Paris, 1880. 8°. nouv. série, v. 39, p. 347-352.)
Easton, James. Conjectures on that mysterious monument of ancient art, Stonehenge, on Salisbury plain; to which is added, a history of the Druids. A new edition, with a copper plate view, and three views engraven on wood. Salisbury: Printed and sold by J. Easton, 1815. 1 p.l., vi p., 11., 75 p., 1 pi. illus. 16°. QPM
The frontispiece is a "North-east view of Stonehenge."
Salisbury: J. Easton, 1826.
viii p., 1 1., (1)12-82 p., 1 pi. 14. ed. 16°.
In this edition the folding plate of the 1815 ed. is replaced by a plate on which is given the 3 illustrations of the earlier ed.
Elton, Charles Isaac. Origins of English history. London: B. Quaritch, 1882. 2 p.l., (i)vi-xiv p., 1 1., 458 p., 1 1., 10 maps. 8°. CD
For Druids see Index.
Estens, John Locke. The Paraclete and Mahdi; or, The exact testimony of science to revelation and exposition of the most ancient mysteries and cuits. Identification of Britain as the "Sacred isles of the West"; of the British as the original Aryan race; and of the Druids as the custodians of the first oracles and geometric covenants of God; an interpretation of primeval signs, symbols, signets, and coins... Sydney: J. Sands, Ltd., 1912. xvi, 498, xvii-xxv p., 1 1.. 19 diagrs., 49 pl., 7 tables. 4°. * PYD
Evans, D. Delta, Dewi Hiraddug. The ancient bards of Britain (sometimes called "Druids") : being a critical inquiry into traditions concerning their history, philosophy, religion, ethics, and rites, in the light of science and moder n thought. Merthyr Tydfil: Education Publishing Co., 1906. xiv p., 1 1., 339 p., 1 pl. 12°. * R - ZAS
Eyring, Elias Martin. Veterum instituta Druidum. Praes. C. S. Schurzfleischio. Vitembergœ [1697]. 4°.
Fénel, Jean Baptiste Pascal. Plan systematique de la religion et des dogmes des anciens Gaulois; avec des réflexions sur le changement de religion arrivé dans les Gaules, & ensuite dans la Germanie, entre le temps de Jules César & celui de Tacite. (Académie royale des inscriptions et belles lettres. Mémoires de littérature. Paris. 1756. 4°. v. 24, p. 345-388.) * EO
Ferk, Franz. LJeber Druidismus in Noricum, mit Rùcksicht auf die Stellung der Geschichtsforschung zur Keltenfrage. Graz: Leuscher, 1877. 50 p., 2 pl. 8°. (Programm der K. K. Lehrerbildungsanstalt in Graz.)
Rcviewed by H. Gaidoz in Revue celtique, v. 3, p. 474-475.
Forcadel, Étienne. De Gallorum imperio et philosophia. libri septem. Parisiis: G. Chaudière, 1579. 518 p. and index. 4°.
Parisiis: G. Chaudière, 1580.
Parisiis: J. Chouët, 1595. 1130
p. and index. 8°.
Fosbrooke, Thomas Dudley. Druids. (In his: Encyclopaedia of antiquities, and elements of archaeology, classical and mediaeval. London, 1825. 4°. v. 2, p.662669.) MTD
With one illustration: Druid and Arch-Druid.
Foscolo, Niccolô Ugo. Dissertazione storica intorno ai druidi e ai bardi britanni. (In his: Opère êdite e postume. Firenze. 1850. 12°. v.2, p. 347-380.) NNV
Fréret, Nicolas. Observations sur la religion des Gaulois... (Académie royale des inscriptions et belles lettres. Mémoires de littérature. Paris, 1756. 4°. v. 24. p. ,:C9-419.) * EO
Frey, Janus Caecilius. Opuscula varia nusquam edita, philosophica, medica. Paris, 1646. 8°.
Antiquissimx Gallorum phil. ecloga, p. 1 and folio wing.
Frick, Albrecht. Catalogus scriptorum de druidis et rebus ad antiquitates illorum pertinentibus. (In: J. G. Frick, Commentatio de Druidis... Ulmae, 1744. 4°.)
Frick, Johann Georg. J. G. Frickii... commentatio de Druidis occidentalium populorum philosophis multo qùam antea auctior ac emendatior. Accedunt opuscula quaedam rariora historiam et antiquitates Druidarum illustrantia (P. Lescaloperii Theologia veterum Gallorum. — C. E. Bulaei Historia veterum academiarum Galliae Druidicarum. Ex Ae Bucherii Belgio Romane..) itemque scriptorum de iisdem catalogus. Recensuit singula digessit ac in lucem editit...A. Frickius. Ulmae, 1744. 226p., pl.. 4°.
Froment, Amédée. Le monothéisme druidique. Thèse. Montauban, 1893. 64 p. 8°.
Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis. Comment le druidisme a disparu. (Revue celtique. Paris, 1879-80. 8°. v. 4, p. 37-59.)
■ ■ (Reprinted in his: Nouvelles
recherches sur quelques problèmes d'histoire... Paris, 1891. 8°. p. 181-215.)
Gaidoz, Henri. Bulletin critique de la mythologie gauloise. (Revue de l'histoire des religions. Paris, 1880. 8°. v. 2, p. 6882.) ZAA
Religion des Gaulois. (Encyclopédie des sciences religieuses. Paris, 1878. 8°. v. 5, p. 428-441.) ZAB
■ La religion gauloise et le gui de
chene. Paris: E. Leroux, 1880. 16 p. 8°.
Reprint of the foregoing with altered title.
Gale, Theophilus. The court of the Gentiles: or, A discourse touching the original of human literature... v. 1-2, Oxford, 1671-72; v. 3-4, London. 1677. 4 v. 4°. 4°. ZAF
He deals with the Druids in v. 2, p. 78-82, and believes that they derived much of their religion from the Phoenicians and from "the Mosaick Historie."
Gatien-Arnoult, Adolphe-Félix. Histoire de la philosophie en France, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours, v. 1. Période gauloise. Toulouse: E. Privât, 1858. 8°.
Gilmore, George William. Druid. (In: The new Schaff-Herzog encyclopedia of religious knowledge. New York [1909]. 4°. v.4, p. 9-10.) *R-ZAB
Graham, T. H. B. Druidism. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1896. 8°. v. 281, p. 599-614.) * DA
Reprinted in Eclectic review, v. 128, p. 504-514, New York, 1897, and in Eclectic magasine of foreign literature, new series, v. 65, p. 502—514, New York, 1897.
Greaves, C. Sprengel. Cannibalism in England. (Archaeological journal. London, 1879. 8°. v. 36, p. 38-55.) CA
Deals also with Druidism.
Grover, Henry Montague. A voice from Stonehenge. Part i. London: VV. J. Cleaver, 1847. iv, 196 p., 1 plan. 8°.
No more published.
Guénébauld, Jean. Le réveil de Chyndonax prince des Vacies Drvydes celtiques Diionois, auec le saincteté, religion, & diuersité des ceremonies obseruées aux anciennes sepultures. Par I. G. D. M. D. .. A Diion: Clavde Gvyot, 1621. 4°. SPX
Chap, iv: Du grand prestre Chyndonax, & des Druydes.
Hamilton, Sarah. The Druid and the holy king; a lyrical poem. By a visitor of Royal Leamington Spa [Sarah Hamilton]. Leamington, 1838. 8°.
Leamington, 1840. 8°.
Harris, John. Luda; a lay of the Druids. Hvmns, tales, essays and legends. London, 1868. 8°.
Heckethorn, Charles William. The Druids. (In his: The secret societies of all ages and countries... new ed. London: Geo. Redway, 1897. 8°. v. 1, p. 73-77.) SKC
Henry, Robert. History of Druidism. (In his: History of Great Britain... 3. ed. London, 1880. 8°. v. 1, p. 135-182.) CB
Herbert, Algernon. An essay on the Neodruidic heresy in Britannia. Part the first. [By Algernon Herbert.] London: H. G. Bohn, 1838. 2 p.l., 151 p. 4°. t CD
No more published.
"His theory is that an Oriental paganism was carried in the fifth century into Britain, and from it arose the new Druidism (the only system of the kind known to the moderns) with the books of Merlin and the Grail as its Scriptures; these works degenerating into romances at a later period."
Higgins, Godfrey. The Celtic Druids; or, An attempt to shew, that the Druids were the priests of Oriental colonies who emigrated from India, and were the introducers of the first or Cadmean system of letters, and the builders of Stonehenge, of Carnac, and of other Cyclopean works, in Asia and Europe. London: Rowland Hunter, 1829. 2 p.l., xiv p., 1 I., xcvi, 324 p., 45 pi. 4°. tZAS
An Historical essay on the taste, talents, and literary acquisitions, of the Druids, and the ancient Celtic bards. (Cambrian register. London, 1818. 8°. v. 3, p. 87-114.)
Holder, Alfred Theophil. Drùïda. (In his: Altceltischer Sprachschatz. Leipzig, 1896. 4°. v. 1, cols. 1321-1330.) RP
Howard, John Eliot. The Druids and their religion. (Victoria Institute. Journal of transactions. London, 1881. 8". v. 14, p. 87-134.) * EC
The Druids and their religion.
London: S. Bagster & Sons [1881]. 48 p. 8°.
Reprint of the preceding.
Herrig. De druidibus. (Jahresbericht uber die Dorotheenstàdtische Realschule. Berlin, 1853.)
Huddleston, Robert. See under Toland, John.
Hughes, John. Disquisitions on the learning, religious rites, and mythology of the Druids. (In his: Horae Britannicae: or, Studies in ancient British history... London, 1819. 8°. v. 1, p. 145-231.) C
Hurd, William, and others. The religious rites and ceremonies of the Druids. (In their: A new and universal history, or the religious rites and ceremonies of all nations ... London [1800?]. f°. p. 30-31.) ZAZB
Hyde, Douglas. Druidism. (In his: A literary history of Ireland. London, 1899. 8°. p. 82-93.) NDK
Identity of the religions called Druidical and Hebrew, demonstrated from the nature and objects of their worship... London, 1829. 12°.
Ithel, ab. Bardic name of Rev. John Williams, q. v.
Jacob, Henry. De origine Druidum. (In his: Delphi Phcenicizantes... Appenditur diatriba de Noae in Italiam adventu, ejusque nominibus ethnicis: nec non de origine Druidum... Authore Edmundo Dickinsono. Oxoniae, 1655. 16°. p. 32—40.)
This work was published by Dickinson from a ms. ot Jacob, which he purloined after disguising it with another style. Watt, Bibliotheca Britannica, v. 2, p. 540.
James, David. The patriarchal religion of Britain; or, A complete manual of ancient British Druidism. London: J. Brook, 1836. 8°.
Jarves, J. Jackson. A new phase of Druidism. (The Galaxy. New York, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 777-79,3.) * DA
Account of a religious camp-mecting at Buzzard's Bay! Nothing whatever to do with Druidism.
Jones, Edward. The bardic museum, of primitive British literature... forming the second volume of the Musical, poetical, and historical relicks of the Welsh bards and Druids... London: A. Strahan, 1802. xx, 112 p., 1 pi. f°.
History of the bards and Druids.
(In his: Musical and poetical relicks of the Welsh bards... London, 1794. P. p. 155.)
Joyce, Patrick Weston. A social history of ancient Ireland... London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1903. 2 v. 8°. CSD
v. 1, p. 219-238: Druids: thcir functions and powers; p. 238-240: Points of agreement and difference between Irish and Gaulish Druids.
Jullian, Camille Louis. Les Druides. (In his: Histoire de la Gaule. Paris, 1908. 8*. v. 2, p. 84-112.) DD
Du nom et de l'origine des Druides. Condition sociale et genre de vie. Les Druides comme société fédérale. I/assemblée carnute. ^ Pouvoir des Druides dans leur cité. Les Druides, éducateurs de la jeunesse. Prêtres subalternes. Destinées possibles de l'institution druidique.
Recherches sur la religion gauloise.
Bordeaux: Feret et fils, 1903. 8°.
Keyssler, Johann Georg. De visco Drvidvm dissertatio ad...D. Jacobvm Dovglas (In his: Antiquitates selectae Septentrionales et Celticae... cum figuris... Hannoverae, 1720. 12°. p. 303-320.) QPO
Kingston, William Henry Giles. Eldol the Druid, or The dawn of Christianity in Britain. London c1874]. 16°.
Knapp, Samuel Lorenzo. A sketch of the Druids and other pretenders to wisdom. (The Knickerbocker: or New monthly magazine. New York, 1833. 8°. v. 2, p. 9094.) * DA
Reprinted in The family magasine, v. 3, p. 115117, New York, 1835.
Koerr, G. C. Programma de druidibus eorumque principiis. Œtingen, 1722. 4°.
Kpewv. The prophecy of the last Druid. (Forget me not. Edited bv F. Shoberl. London t1840?,. 16°. p. 10-16.) NCA
Kuenholz. Recherches archéologiques sur les Druides. (Société archéologique de Montpellier. Mémoires. Montpellier, 1847. 8°.)
Kuhn, Joannes Casparus. Exercitatio academica de philosophia Celtica. Prœs. U. Obrechto. Argentorati, 1676. 4°.
Lagerlôf, Petrus. Disputatio de Gallorum veterum Druidibus; resp. Jac. J. Waldio. Upsala, 1689. 8°.
La Rochemacé, Maurice de. Études sur le culte druidique, et l'établissement des Francs et des Bretons dans les Gaules. Rennes: Ch. Catel et Cie., 1858. vii, 248p. 8°. ZAS
The first chapter only, p. 1-68, deals with the Druids.
La Tour d'Auvergne-Corret, Théophile Malo de. Origines gauloises, celles des plus anciens peuples de l'Europe, puisees
dans leur vraie source... A Paris: Chez Quillau, an v (1796]. 340 p., 11. 8°. QPN
Druids, p. 155-158. The first edition of this work was published at Bayonne in 1792, with title: Nouvelles( recherches sur la langue, 1 origine et les antiquités des Bretons.
A Hambourg: Chez P. F.
Fauche, 1801. lxxii, 375 p., 1 port. 3. ed. 8°.
La Vergne de Tressan, de, abbé. Mythologie comparée avec l'histoire. London, 1796. 2 parts. 8°.
Mythology compared with history:
or, The fables of the ancients elucidated from historical records. For the use of young persons. To which is now first added, an enquiry into the religion of the first inhabitants of Great Britain. Together with some account of the ancient Druids... Translated from the French by H. North. London: Printed for T. Cadell, jun., 1797. xii, 516 p. 8°. ZAC
An enquiry into the religion of the first inhabitants of Great Britain, p. 485-497; Of the Druids, p. 498507; Doctrine of the Druids, their superstition, ceremony of the misletoe of the oak, p. 507-512; Of the Druidesses, p. 512-516.
Law, S. I. Account of the Druids. (Northern star, or Yorkshire magazine. London, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 268-270.) * DA
On the derivation of the word
Druid. (Northern star, or Yorkshire magazine. London, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 180.) * DA
Le Blanc, Th. Prosper. Étude sur le symbolisme druidique. Dijon: Douiller, 1849. 205 p., 5 pl. 12°. ZAS
Ledwich, Edward. A dissertation on the religion of the Druids. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia. London, 1785. 4°. v. 7, p. 303-322.) CA
Lefèvre, André Paul Émile. Les Gaulois: origines et croyances. Paris: Schleicher frères, 1900. illus. 12°.
Le Fèvre, Jacques. Fleurs et antiquités des Gaules, où il est traité des anciens philosophes gaulois appelés druides. Paris, 1532. 8°.
Leflocq, Casimir Jules. Études de mythologie celtique. Orleans, 1869. 12".
Le Hardy, Esther. Agabus; or, The last of the Druids: an historical poem [with notes. — The dying Druid, a poem by R. A. Davenport]. London, 1851. 8°.
L'Escalopier, Pierre. Theologia veterum Gallorum. (In: P. Lescaloperii... Humanitas theologica, in qua M. T. Cicero de natura deorum argumentis, expositionibus lucem prodit... Parisiis: A. Cramoisy, 1660. P. p. 713 and foll.)
Reprinted in J. G. Frick, Commentatio de druidis
Leslie, Jonathan Forbes. The early races of Scotland and their monuments. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1866. 2 v. 8°. CP
Pagination continuous. Druids are referred to throughout the work.
Lizeray, Henri. Bases de l'église druidique et nationale: le druidisme restauré. Paris: Leroux, 1885. 8°.
Lhuyd, Humphrey. De Mona druidum insula, antiquitati suae restituta (cuius in Angliae'descriptione memininus). (In: Sir John Price, Historiae Brytannicae defensio. London: in aedibus H. Binneman, 1573. 4°.)
Llwyd, Richard. Beaumaris Bay, a poem: with notes descriptive and explanatory; particulars of the Druids, founders of some fifteen tribes of North Wales, the families descended from them, quotations from the bards... Chester: J. Fletcher [1800,. 56 p. 8°.
Chester: J. Parry, 1832. 68 p.
new [2.] ed. 8°.
Llywarch Hen. The heroic elegies and other pieces of Llywarç Hen, with a literal translation by W. Owen. London, 1792. .8°.
The editor's preface contains a description of bardism, a component part of Druidism.
Logan,James. The Scottish Gael; or, Celtic manners, as preserved among the Highlanders.. .of Scotland. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1831. 2 v. 8°. MMK
Chap. 7 of v. 2 on "Religion, marriage ceremonies, and funeral rites," deals largely with the Druids and Druidism.
Long, William. The Druidical temple at Stanton Drew, commonly called the Weddings. 1 map. (Archaeological journal. London, 1858. 8°. v. 15, p. 199-215.) CA
A description of prehistoric stone circles. Druidism only incidentally referred to.
Lot, Ferdinand. Les Celtes. (Revue encyclopédique. Paris, 1898. f°. 1898, p. 953-962.) *R-t*AP
Religion, p. 9S8-960.
M. The Druid's ring. (The Keepsake. London, 1844. 8°. 1844, p. 225-244.) NCA
Macbain, Alexander. Celtic mythology and religion, with chapters upon Druid circles and Celtic burial. With introductory chapter and notes by Professor W. J. Watson... Stirling: E. Mackay, 1917. xviii p., 1 I., 252 p., 2 1., 8 pi. 8°. ZAS
The "Druid" circles. 7 pi. (Gaelic
Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1885. 8°. v. 11, 23-50.) NDO
His conclusions are "that neither the Celts nor their Druids built these stone circles, nor were they for sun or fire worship."
Druidism. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1883. 8°. v. 8, p. 566-572.) * DA
Forms no. 6 of his series of articles on Celtic mythology.
[blocks in formation]
Macgregor, Alexander. Druidism. (In his: Highland superstitions... Inverness, 1891. 12°. p. 8-12.) ZBIG
Mackay, Charles. On the Druidical chants preserved in the choruses of popular songs in England, Scotland, Ireland, and France. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1876. 8°. v. 1, p. 57-65.) * DA
MacRitchie, David. Druids and mounddwellers. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 257-272.) NDK
Madeley, Edward. Druids and Druidism. (New church review. Boston, 1904. 8°. v. 11, p. 58-77.) *DA
Martin, Bon Luis Henri. Études d'archéologie celtique. Notes de voyages dans les pays celtiques et Scandinaves. Paris, 1872. 8°.
Histoire de France... Paris:
Furne, 1857-60. 4. ed. 17 v. 8°. DAF Druids and Druidism in v. 1, p. 47-85.
Martin, Jacques. Éclaircissemens historiques sur les origines Celtiques et Gauloises. . .par le R. P. D * * * Paris: Durand, 1744. xl, 312 p. 12°.
La religion des Gaulois tirée des
plus pures sources de l'antiquité par le R. P. Dom * * *. Paris: Saugrain Fils, 1727. 2v. 4°. ZAS
Mason, William. Caractacus, a dramatic poem: written on the model of the ancient Greek tragedy. By the author of Elfrida [William Mason]. London: J. Knapton, 1759. 1 p.l., v-viii, 95 p. sq.8°. NCP
There are other editions of this poem, and also translations into French, Italian, Greek, and Latin.
Maurice, Thomas. A dissertation on the Indian origin of the Druids; and on the striking affinity which the religious rites and ceremonies, anciently practised in the British Isles, bore to those of the Brahmins. 1 pi. [Stonehenge.] (In his: Indian antiquities... London, 1812. 8°. v. 6, p. 1198.) BGH
Maury, Louis Ferdinand Alfred. Druidisme. (Encyclopédie moderne... Paris. 1851. 8°. v. 13, cols. 95-111.) *AP Les fées du moyen-âge, recherches
sur leur origine, leur histoire et leur attributs, pour servir à la connaissance de la mythologie gauloise. Paris: Ladrange, 1843. 3 p.l., (i)viii-ix, 101 p. 12°.
ZBG p.v.4, no.4
Meinard, François. Orationes legitimae ... i. De visco druidarum jurisprudence symbole.. Augustoriti Pictonum [sic], 1614. 8°.
Meyrick, Samuel Rush, and Charles Hamilton Smith. Costume of the Druidical order. (In their: Costume of the original inhabitants of the British Isles. . London, 11821. f°. ttMMK
Michelet, Jules. Histoire de France. Paris: L. Hachette, 1835-44. 6 v. 8°. DAF
v. 1-2 are 2. ed.
Druids and Druidism in v. 1, p. 42-52.
Miller, Thomas. The Druids. (In his: History of the Anglo-Saxons. London, 1852. 12°. chap. iii, p. 12-17.) CD
Millin de Grandmaison, Aubin Louis. Dissertation sur l'église octogone dè Montmorillon qu'on a cru être un temple de Druides. Paris, 1805. 4°.
Mitchell, Henry Benjamin. The Druids. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead [1904,. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 160-175.) CPA
Peterhead: Printed bv P. Scro
gie, 1903. 17 p. 8°. ZÂDp.v.ll
Reprinted from the above.
Monbarlet, J. V. Les pierres et l'histoire. Le druidisme et son œuvre. Paris: Sallou. 1896. 8°.
Described by Jullian as a "tissu de folies."
Mone, Franz Joseph. Ueber die Sage vom Tristan, vorzûglich ihre Bedeutung in der Geheimlehre der brittischen Druiden. Heidelberg, 1822. 8°.
Morgan, Owen. "Morien." The light of Britannia: the mysteries of ancient British Druidism revealcd. Cardiff: Owen, 1893. xvi, 441 p., 1 port, illus. 8°.
A litcrary curiosity.
Morgan, Thomas. The Druids accordhig to Greek and Roman writers. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1874. 8°. v. 30, p. 136-146.) CA
Morris, Edward Dafydd. Druidism. (Bibliotheca sacra. Andover, 1854. 8°. v. 11, p. 456-470.) *DA
Nash, D. W. Taliesin; or, The Druids and bards of Britain. A translation of the remains of the earliest Welsh bards. and an examination of the bardic mysteries. London, 1858. 8°.
North, H. Sec La Vergne de Tressan.
Observations on certain discrepances of opinion among some of our moder n archai
ologists, upon the character of Druidism and tenets of the Druids... (Cambrian register. London, 1818. 8°. v. 3, p. 8-11.) CV Forms chap. 2, of epoch 2 of A sketch of the history of the Britons.
Ogilvie, John. The fane of the Druids: a poem. [By John Ogilvie.] London, 1787. 4°.
The fane of the Druids: a poem.
Book the second... By the author of the first book John Ogilvie]. London, 1789. 4°.
O'Neill, John. The night of the gods: an inquiry into cosmic and cosmogenic mythology and symbolism. London: Printed by Harrison & Sons, 1893-97. 2 v. 8°.
Pagination continuous. Druids, p. 261, 272, 350353, 744.
Owen, afterwards Owen-Pughe, William. Sec under Llywarch, Hen.
Oxonian. Thaumaturgia, or elucidations of the marvellous. London: E. Churton, 1835. 1 p.l., (i)iv-vii, 362 p. 12°. YPC
The British Druids, or magi, p. 75-83; The British magi, p. 84-90.
Panchaud, Édouard. Le druidisme, ou religion des anciens Gaulois. Exposé de la morale et du culte des Druides. Lausanne, 1865. 172 p. 8°.
Pâris, de. Des vestiges des monumens du culte druidique, département d'Eure-etLoir; et description d'un sanctuaire druidique. (Société royale des antiquaires de France. Mémoires. Paris, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 310-328.) DA
An essay on ancient monuments.
Paul, Ludwig. Das Druidenthum. (Neue Tahrbûcher fur Philologie und Paedagogik. Leipzig, 1892. 8°. Bd. 145, p. 769-797.)
Peet, Stephen Denison. Were the Druids in America? [By S. D. Peet.] (American antiquarian. Chicago, 1890. 8°. v. 12, p. 294-302.) HBA
Pelloutier, Simon. Histoire des Celtes, et particulièrement des Gaulois et des Germains, depuis les tems fabuleux jusqu'à la prise de Rome par les Gaulois. La Haye, 1750. 2v. 12°.
Nouvelle édition. Par M. de
Chiniac. Paris: De l'Imprimerie de Quillau. 1770-71. 8v. 12°. BTF
This edition has at the end of v. la reprint of Chiniac de la Bastide's Discours sur la la religion gauloise.
■ Paris, 1771. 2v. 4°.
Observations historiques et critiques
sur l'abolition des Druides et des sacrifices humaines dans les Gaules. (Nouvelle bibliothèque germanique. Amsterdam [ 175— ?5. v. 25.)
Peter, David. On the Druids. (Methodist magazine. London, 1813. 8°. v. 36, p. 304-308.) ZTA
Translated hy G. Russell from the author's History of religion in Wales (in Welsh).
Petit de la Saussaye, Jean François de Paule Louis. Dissertation sur le lieu de l'assemblée annuelle des Druides. (Mémoires lus à la Sorbonne: Archéologie. Paris, 1864. 8°. 1863, p. 89-105.) * EN
Pezzahi, André. Les bardes druidiques. Synthèse philosophique au xix" siècle. Paris, 1865. 12°.
Pfeffel. Der Druide und der Barde. (In: Iris. Ein Taschenbuch fur 1803. Hrsg. von J. G. Jacobi. Zurich [1803]. 24°. p. 41-42.) NFA
Pflugk-Harttung, Julius von. The Druids of Ireland. (Royal Historical Society. Transactions. London, 1893. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 55-75.) CA
Philp, Robert Kemp. The Druidical religion of the Britons. [By R. K. Philp.] (In his: The history of progress in Great Britain. London, 1866. 8°. v. 1, p. 45-54.) CN
Picardus, Joannes, Toutrerianus. De prisca Celtopœdia, libri quinque. Parisiis, 1556. 4°.
Pictet, Adolphe. Le mystère des bardes de l'île de Bretagne, ou la doctrine des bardes gallois du moyen âge sur Dieu, la vie future et la transmigration des âmes. Texte original, traduction et commentaire. Genève, 1856. ix, 82 p. 12°.
Pitois, Christian. Histoire de la magie v . Paris: Furne, Touvet et Cie., n. d. 8°.
Druids, p. 229-236.
Pokorny, Julius. Der Ursprung des Druidentums. (Anthropologische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. Wien, 1908. 4°. v. 38, p. 38-50.) QOA
Discussion, p. 46-50.
Discusses the origin of Druidism (priesthood, magie, cuit of the oak, etc.). According to this author "Druidism originated among a people, inhahiting the British lsles before the Celts, a people belonging probably to thosc great stocks that occupied western and southern Europe long before the coming of the Indo-Germans." In the discussion Much and Goldmann treated the etymology of the word Druid.
The origin of Druidism. (Celtic re
view. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 1-20.)
Polwhele, Richard. The fate of Lewellyn; or, The Druid's sacrifice; a legendary taie... By a young gentleman of the Truro school [Richard Polwhele]. Bath: R. Cruttwell, 1777. 4°.
Pratt, John Burnett. The Druids. Aberdeen, 1861. 8°.
Preece, Sir William. Egyptians and Celts. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 97-103.) NDK
Comparison of Druidism with ancient Egyptian religion.
Pufendorf, Esaias. Dissertatio de druidibus. Lipsiae, 1650.
(In his: Opuscula a iuvene lu
cubrata. Halae Hermund[uorum]: J. J. SchutzK, 1699. 8°.)
A dissertation upon the Druids.
Translated from the Latin by E. Goldsmid. Edinburgh, 1886. 62 p. 12°. (Bibliotheca Curiosa.)
Only 75 copies said to be printed.
Quiggin, Edmund Crosby. Druidism. (Encyclopaedia Britannica. 11. ed. Cambridge, 1910. 4°. v. 8, p. 597-598.)
Reade, William Winwood. The veil of Isis; or, The'mysteries of the Druids. London: C. J. Skeet, 1861. vi, 250 p. 8°. ZAS
The author finds vestiges of Druidism in the ceremonies of the Church of Rome, in the emblems of Frecmasonry, and in rustic folklore.
New York: P. Eckler, 1907.
253 p. New (American) ed. 12°.
Reinach, Salomon. Le culte de Halae et le druidisme. (Revue archéologique. Paris, 1913. 8°. série 4, v. 22, p. 87-111.)
Les Druides. (In his: Orpheus.
Histoire générale des religions. Paris: A. Picard, 1909. 12°. p. 176-180.) ZAF
The Druids. (In his: Orpheus: a
generai history of religions. From the French by Florence Simmonds. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1909. 8°. p. 120-124.) ZAF
L'"Orbis alius" des Druides. (In
his: Cultes, mythes et religions. Paris, 1905. 4°. v. 1, p. 184-194.) ZAE
Religions des peuples celtiques de l'Occident comparées avec celles de l'Orient. 1 pl. (Annales de philosophie chrétienne. Paris, 1840. 8°. série 3, v. 1, p. 439-450.)
Renel, Charles. Les religions de la Gaule avant le christianisme. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1906. 12°.
Druids, p. 335-347, 351-361.
Réville, Albert. Sce under Deloche, Maximin.
Reynaud, Jean Ernest. L'esprit de la Gaule. Paris: Furne et Cie., 1864. 8°.
Enlargement of his article in L'Encyclopédie nouvelle.
Rhys, Sir John. Celtic Britain. 3. ed. London, 1904. 16°. CD p. 70-73 deal with the Druids.

Richter. Druiden. (Allgemeine Encyklopàdie der Wissenschaften und Kiinste. Leipzig, 1836. 4°. 1. Section, 27. Theil, p. 486-502.) * AM
Roberts, William. Druidism. (Gwyddionadur; or, Encyclopedia Cambrensis. Denbigh: T. Gee, 1860. part 32.)
Reviewed in the Cambrian journal, 1860, p. 231240, Tenby, 1860, CV.
Romani, Felice. Norma. A tragic opera, in two acts. The music by Bellini. London: H. N. Millar [1842]. 1 p.l., 36 p. 12°.
Italian and English. Norma, daughter of the archDruid Oroveso, is the heroine.
Norma. A grand tragic opera...
Freely rendered from the Italian.. .by J. R. Planché.. London: T. H. Lacy [18—?t. 24 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCO
Norma. Tragedia lirica... Mexico:
T. Uribe, 1836. 63 p. 24°. NNO p.v.142
Ross, John Lockhart. Druidism in connection with Wiltshire. (Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine. Devizes, 1859. 8°. v. 5, p. 149-192.) CO
p. 178-192: Origin and nature of Druidism.
Roulliard, Sébastien. Parthénie; ou, Histoire de la très-auguste et très-dévote église de Chartres, dédiée par les vieux Druides, en l'honneur de la Vierge qui enfanteroit... Paris: Rolin Thierry, 1609. 8°.
Rowlands, Henry. Of the ancient Druids; of their choice of the Isle of Mona for their principal seat and habitation; of their philosophy and discipline.. (In his: Mona antiqua restaurata. An archaeological discourse on the antiquities.. .of the Isle of Anglesey... Dublin, 1723. 4°. p. 53-77.) CDA
With plate: "The chief Druid from a statue." (In his: Mona antiqua restaurata... 2. ed. London, 1766. 4°. p. 53-77.)
Rust, James. Druidism exhumed, in two parts. Part I. Proving that the stone circles of Britain were Druidical temples; being an analysis and refutation of the treatises on "Stone circles" in the late Spalding Club's "Sculptured stones of Scotland." Part n. Containing other important collateral archaeological matter. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1871. xvii, 312 p. 12°.
A work to be used with great caution. The philology is worthless.
Sain tine, Joseph Xavier Boniface. The Druids and their creed. (In his: The myths of the Rhine, translated by M. S. de Vere. New York, 1875. 8°. p. 25-52.) Stuart 11960
La mythologie du Rhin... Paris:
L. Hachette et Cie., 1862. 2 p.l., (1)4-403 p. illus. 8°. NKV
Des Druides et de leur doctrine, p. 25-47.
Saull, William Devonshire. Observations on the aboriginal tribes of Britain. London: E. Wilson, 1848. 16 p. 8°.
Scott, Sir Walter. Druids. (The Edinburgh encyclopaedia. American ed. Philadelphia, 1832. 4°. v. 7, p. 767-775.) *AL
Sears, Edward I. The Celtic Druids. (National quarterly review. New York, 1865. 8°. v. 11, p. 1-26.) *DA
Based on the works of Davies, Barth, Frick, Higgins, Martin, and Thierry.
Shortt, William T. Peter. Collectanea curiosa antiqua Dunmonia; or, An essay on some Druidical remains in Devon... Exeter [1842?,. 8°.
Smedberg, N. See under Bring, Sven.
Smiddy, Richard. An essay on the Druids, the ancient churches, and the round towers of Ireland. Dublin: W. B. Kelly, 1871. vii p., 1 1., 242 p. 12°. CSA
Dublin: W. B. Kelly, 1873. 2.
ed. 12°.
Reviewed in Anthropologia, v. 1, p. 269, London, 1873-75.
Smith, George. Druidism, the ancient religion of Britain, contrasted with Christianity. (In: Lectures delivered before the Young Men's Christian Association, 184647. London, 1864. 12°. v. 2, p. 53-83.)
The religion of ancient Britain: or,
A succinct account of the.. .religious systems. . .in this island from the earliest times to the Norman conquest... London, 1844. 12°.
London, 1846. 2. ed. 8°.
3. ed. revised and edited by
W. B. Smith. London, 1865. 12°.
Smith, John. Choir Gaur; the grand orrery of the ancient Druids, commonly called Stonehenge, on Salisbury Plain, astronomically explained, and mathematically proved to be a temple erected in the earliest ages, for observing the motions of the heavenly bodies... Salisbury: Printed for the author, 1771. vi, 73(1) p., 5 pi. 4°.
ft CDA
Smith, John. Galic antiquities: consisting of a history of the Druids, particularly of those of Caledonia; a dissertation on the authenticity of the poems of Ossian, and a collection of ancient poems, translated from the Galic... Edinburgh: T. Cadell, 1780. viii, 352 p. 4°. fNDO
There is a German translation of this work.
Smith, Robert Angus. Druids. (In his: Loch Etive and the sons of Uisnach. new ed. Paisley, 1885. 8°. p. 280-291.) CRB
Smith, Thomas. Syntagma de Druidum moribus ac institutis, in quo miscellanea quaedam Sacro-profana inseruntur. Londoni, 1664. viii, 165(1) p. 8° (16°.)
The dedication is signed T. S. Watt (Bibliotheca Britannica) says by Thomas Smith, a learned English writer and divine.
Southey, Robert. Religion of the ancient Britons. (In his: The book of the church. 3.ed. London, 1825. 8°. v. 1, p. 3-9.)
Squire, Charles. The religion of the ancient Britons and Druidism. (In his: The mythology of the British Islands. London: Blackie & Son, 1905. 8°. chap. 4, p. 31-44.) *R-ZAS
Stackhouse, Thomas. Two lectures on the remains of ancient pagan Britain, illustrated with forty lithographic drawings... London, 1833. 4°.
Seventy-five copies printed for private distribution.
Srukeley, William. Abury, a temple of the British Druids, with some others, described. Wherein is a more particular account of the first and patriarchal religion; and of the peopling of the British Islands. London: Printed for the author, 1743. vi, 102, vi p., 40 pl. f°. t ZAS
Stonehenge, a temple restor'd to the
British Druids. London: W. Innys & R. Manby, 1740. 3 p.l., 66 p., 2 1. f°. f ZAS
Sue, Eugène. The gold sickle; or, Hena, the virgin of the Isle of Sen, a tale of Druid Gaul by Eugene Sue; translated from the original French by Daniel De Leon. [New York:] New York Labor News Company, 1904. vi p., 11., 75 p. 12°. NKV
"The initial story of a series that E. Sue wrote under the collective title of The mysteries of the people." — Translator's note.
Superstitions of the Druids. (The Family magazine. New York, 1835. 4°. v. 3, p. 78-79.) * DA
T., G. Vulgar errors — their influence: amongst other instances those relating to the Druids — the true apprehension of their order. (Cambrian journal. Tenby, 1859. 8°. 1859, p. 150-155.) CV
T., I. R. Reflections on the ancient Druids. (Monthly anthology. Boston, 1804. 8°. v. 1, p. 197-199.) * DA
Taillepied, Noël. Histoire de l'Estat et République des Druides, Eubages, Sarronides, Bardes, Vacies.. .depuis le deluge universel, jusque à la venue de Jesus-Christ en ce monde... Paris: Jean Parant, 1585. 2 parts. 12°.
Tamblyn, William Ferguson. British Druidism and the Roman war policy.
(American historical review. New York, 1909. 4°. v. 15, p. 21-36.) *R-Room 300
The author doubts the claim of British Druidism to a place in sober history. Gallic Druidism is well attested, but it was not representative or pan-Celtic.
Thackeray, Francis. Researches into the ecclesiastical and political state of ancient Britain under the Roman emperors. London: T. Cadell, 1843. 2 v. 8°. CD
Druids in v. 1, p. 28-43.
Théron, E. Druides et druidisme. Paris, 1886. 12°.
Thiese, William. Skizzen aus der Geschichte der alten Druiden. (In: H. Freudenthal. Zur Geschichte des SupremeHains... New York t1892?]. 24°. p. 2947.) SKVM
Timbs, John. Nooks and corners of English life, past and present. London: Griffith and Farran, 1867. 1 p.l., (i)v-xii, 371 (1) p., 6 pi. 2. ed. 8°. CN
p. 10-18 deal with the Druids.
Toland. John. A critical history of the Celtic religion and learning, containing an account of the Druids... With the history of Abaris, the Hyperborian, Priest of the Sun... London: Lackington & Co. [1740?] 254 p. 8°.
Historie der Druiden; aus dem
Englischen von J. Ph. Cassel. Braunschweig, 1763. 8°.
A specimen of the critical history
of the Celtic religion and learning: containing an account of the Druids, or the priests and judges; of the Vaids, or the diviners and physicians, and of the Bards, or the poets and heralds of the ancient Gauls, Britons, Irish and Scots. With the history of Abaris the Hyperborean, priest of the sun. in three letters... [London: J. Peele, 1726.] 1,228 p. 8°. ZAEp.v.l
With an abstract of his life
and writings; and a copious appendix... by R[obert] Huddleston. Montrose: James Watt, 1814. 434 p. new edition. 8°. ZAS
Huddleston's notes occupy p. 253-434.
Touflet du Mesnil, Georges. Épigraphie de la Gaule sceltane... Rouen: Léon Deshays, 1883. 8°.
A "tissu de folies" says Camille Jullian.
Trémolière. Druides, druidesses, druidisme. (Encvclopédie du dix-neuvième siècle. Paris, 1867. 8°. v. 8, p. 575-585.)
Tupper, Martin Farquhar. A discourse on British Druidism. (Sharpe's London journal. London, 1849. 4°. v. 9, p. 156160.) * DA
Reprinted in the Eclectic magasine, v. 17, p. 320- 325, New York, 1849.
Druidism. (In his: Complete works.
Philadelphia, 1851. 12°. v. 2, p. 382-396.)
V., U. The Druids. (The Portico. Baltimore, 1816. 8°. v. 2, p. 236.) * DA
On their sacrifices. The writer concludes by asking if the modern custom of burning effigies is derived from the practise of the Druids.
Valroger, Lucien Marie de. Les Celtes. La Gaule celtique. Paris, 1879. 8°. He derives Druidism from the Phoenicians!
Vestiges of Druidism. (Cambrian journal. Tenby, 1861. 8°. 1861, p. 228-232.)
Wait, Daniel Guildford. On the origin of the Druids. (Classical journal. London, 1813-15. 8°. v. 7, p. 172-175; v. 8, p. 225230; v. 11, p. 1-5.) RBA
Waldius, Jac. J. See under Lagerlof, Petrus.
Wellcome, Henry S. Hen feddegyaeth kymrie. (Antient Cymric medicine.); a reprint of the historical souvenir issued by B. W. & Co. on the occasion of the meeting of the British Medical Association at Swansea, 1903. London: Burroughs, Wellcome & Co. [1903.] 52 p. illus. nar. 16°.
WAF p.v.85
Has a good deal about the Druids and their science.
Will, Louis. Religion des Celtes. (La grande encyclopédie. Paris, n. d. f°. v. 9, p. 1076-1078.) *R-t*AP
Williams, Edward. Poems, lyric and pastoral. London, 1794. 2 v. 12°.
The notes on p. 194-256 of v. 2 deal with the Druids.
Williams, Jane. A history of Wales derived from authentic sources. London, 1869. 8°.
Williams, Rev. John, ab Ithel. Druidism. (Cambrian journal. London, 1855. 8°. v.
2, p. 261-268.) CV
■ Druidism typical of Christianity.
(Cambrian journal. London, 1856. 8°. v.
3, p. 343-356.) CV
The ecclesiastical antiquities of the
Cymry; or, The ancient British church; its history, doctrine and rites. London: W. J. Cleaver, 1844. xl, 3-336 p. 8°. ZDV
p. 3-47: Bardism; p. 167-176: Church and Bard
An essay on the megalithic structures in Auvergne, and other parts of central Gaul, as the religious monuments of the Celtic race, and of their priests the Druids. London: J. R. Smith, 1857. 8°.
Reviewed in the Cambrian journal, v. 4, p. 236-2J8, London, 1857.
See also under Barddas.
Williams, Tudor. The druid sacrifice and other verses. New York: Edward O. Jenkins' Son, 1895. 119 p. 16°. NBI
"The druid sacrifice'* occupies p. 5-40.
Winters, W. The Druids in Britain. (Antiquarv. London, 1872. sq. 8". v. 2, p. 85-86.)' CA
Wise, Thomas Alexander. History of paganism in Caledonia, with an examination into the influence of Asiatic philosophy and the gradual development of Christianity in Pictavia. London: Triibner & Co., 1884. xxvi p., 1 1., 259 p., 71., 2 pi. 4°.
Derives Druidism from Buddhism!
Wood-Martin, W. G. Traces of the elder faiths of Ireland: a folklore sketch. London: Longmans. Green and Co., 1902. 2 v. 8°. *R-ZBD
v. 1, chap, vii deals with the Druids.
Wordsworth, Christopher. "The Druids. (In: Cambridge prize poems, new ed. London, 1847. 16°. p. 195-204.) NCI
Wright, Dudlev. Druidism. (Open court. Chicago, 1918. 8'°. v. 32, p. 678-684.) * DA
Druidism. Initiatory rites: priesthood. (Occult review. London, 1916. 8°. v.24, p. 156-162.) YLA
Wright, Thomas. The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon... London: Arthur Hall, Virtue, & Co., 1861. 2 p.L, (i)vi-xivp., 11., 494 p., 1 map, 16 pi. illus. 2. ed. 8°. CD
The Druids are described on p. 44—48.
Yeatman, John Pym. The Druids. (In his: The history of the common law of Great Britain and Gaul... London, 1874. 8°. p. 52-59.) XAS

Reference: Google scanned document

1 comment:

  1. Sadly I do not speak or read French !!! But it seems like a goldmine for those that do.

    As time allows (very low priority) I have started correcting OCR errors by comparing scanned version and adding some tags if I know where you can locate the item. Of course I will use theses tags to download works if I do not have them , when I am on high speed data network.

    I also find interesting his comments here and there on different works.
